Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fraudulent Trademark Registration & Renewal Notices & Solicitations

Fraudulent Trade-mark Registration Solicitations

Do not answer these solicitations and throw them away.

There exist numerous domestic and foreign enterprises that monitor the trade-mark registers for pending applications and registered trade-marks around the world and solicit business by sending invoices to trade-mark owners for poorly detailed “services”.

The problem of fraudulent solicitations has become so pervasive, that the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) and the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks published the following cautionary notices on their respective websites: :
"Warning: Non-solicited invoices relating to trade-mark registration applications
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has learned that certain companies are soliciting payment for Canadian trade-mark registration applications that were in fact not requested."

If you receive an invoice relating to an application filed with the Trade-marks Office sent by an entity other than CIPO or your agent, please contact either the Client Service Centre at 1-866-997-1936 (or at 819-934-0554 for international calls) or your agent before responding to it. :
On several occasions, the attention of the International Bureau has been drawn to the fact that certain organizations are sending letters to the owners of international registrations, inviting them to register their marks in publications which appear to be of an official nature. The International Bureau warns the owners of international registrations and their agents that such a publication has absolutely no legal effect in regard to the protection of the said marks and is therefore unnecessary."

The only communications that are relevant to your Canadian trade-mark registration(s) are those emanating from the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) or your Canadian trade-mark agent."

If you receive an invoice or a communication relating to your trade-mark from an entity other than CIPO or your trade-mark agent and are not sure what to do, please communicate with me prior to responding.

Below are examples of solicitations for publication “services” of trade-marks that have no added value. Do not answer these solicitations and throw them away.

i Support Net
IDM - International Data Medium Anstalt
Patent Trademark Register
Trademark Info Corp
Trademark Safeguard - Monitoring Service
United States Trademark Centre
United States Trademark Protection Agency
United States Trademark Renewal Service

For information on Domain name slamming read this excellent post:

1 comment:

  1. Now a day, in everything illegal things are happening. So we can't say anything. I think that, now they are also started there fraudulent on trademark registration. purchase domain name
